Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Dawes photography returns

Been a very busy month for me so far been threatened a few times at one of my jobs so currently job hunting for another.
I've always got time for some photography though :)
This is a photo of a sunset token at roughly around 17:00, as you can see I have sun spots on the photo which lead me to buy density filters :) which arrived this morning four days ahead of schedule so this afternoon while some potential buyers looked around my house I went outside to give them a try.

This is the result with a density filter it gave my photo a nice purple tint which I think really works with the image no editing apart from the watermark was done in both photo's.
Next week I will be trying to get some nice long exposure photo's which will involve me being out at 4 am in the morning to capture the stars.
Hopefully the snow will visit my local area as that will result in some awesome photos for my scrap book :3

Till next time fellow bloggers x

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Dawes photography start up


 I'm Jessica Dawes I'm the photographer at Dawes photography.
I've been doing photography for only an couple of months now but I only do it as an hobby, so far one of my photo's have got into the Saatchi gallery and in the Bognor and Chichester observer.
If your interested in an photo shoot or want some nice photos of some pets then please contact me and i'll see whether I can help you free of charge :)

Above is an example of some photography I've done of my friend Alastair.